STOP RIGHT NOW if you’ve got a
weak stomach or
are just
squeamish about using merciless
techniques against
someone who
dares threaten you or
your loved ones!

Here's What
Combat-Proven Soldiers
and Hardcore Street Fighters
Know About Ultra-Vicious
"Real-World" Fighting...
That YOU Don't... Yet.

It's the NEXT level of fight-
a "Street Brawlers Kit"
packed with dozens
of wicked
tactics and techniques
known ONLY by an elite 10% of
world-class fighters.
But do NOT close this page
or you will LOSE the $220
I've just placed in your "hotlist"
to be used toward this
amazing package!

September 16th, 2024

Hey... it's me, Bob Pierce again.

I'm thrilled to see that you've stepped-up and taken responsibility as a man to protect yourself and your family.

But I gotta WARN you: You are NOT yet prepared to take on a seasoned street fighter... multiple attackers... or thick-headed cut-throats armed with knives and guns.

Which is why I've just placed an additional $220 into your "hotlist" account – to be used toward the price of a mega-vicious “Street Brawlers” package that deals specifically with these kinds of advanced-level threats.

Best part: I'll even allow you to see this...

if you want!

Here's what's up: I'm not gonna beat around the bush here.

After years and years of hard-core research... watching hundreds of hours of actual street fighting on surveillance video... and getting the REAL story from street-fighters and combat hardened spec op soldiers…

… I’ve discovered the three SMARTEST assumptions that you can make about anyone who gets in your face. Here they are:

  1. They will be highly skilled... and that ANY "fancy" formal fighting moves will FAIL and become worthless when the adrenaline starts flowing under the stress of real-world combat.
  2. They have "back up". You gotta assume your opponent has buddies hiding, or waiting to come at you... so you cannot afford to waste more than a few seconds taking any one attacker out.
  3. They are armed... with a knife, a gun, a blackjack, a pipe, brass knuckles, whatever. Which makes it absolutely necessary for you to understand some of the most simple and ruthless "take-no-prisoners" survival moves.

You’ve already ordered some instruction that will allow you to win just about ANY fight you’ll encounter – simply because MOST guys have either been trained WRONG (like “store-front black belts”)…

… or because they’re clueless, unskilled goofs who know nothing about real-world fighting (except to close their eyes and flail their arms).

But occasionally, just occasionally, you’ll be confronted by a damn scary dude…

Who really knows
what the hell he’s doing.

Either that, or he’s armed to the hilt…

… or has his worthless buddies just waiting to jump in at the first sign of trouble.

It’s more common than you’d think… and assuming it will never happen to you -- that your opponent will always be unarmed, unskilled and alone – is like playing with a gun and assuming it’s unloaded.

You’d be nuts to put a pistol to your head and pull the trigger...

... just like you’d be crazy to expect to survive a real-world street fight without knowing some super-advanced "short-cut" tactics to end an altercation – in your favor -- against bigger, more skilled, multiple opponents who may be armed to the teeth.

This is the safest thing you could do. For yourself. For your loved ones.

Which is why – if you're serious about taking your skills "all the way" – you need this advanced "Street Brawler's Kit". It could save your life.

It’s some of my most advanced material… intended for "hot-duty" combat soldiers staring-down the most screwed-up life-and-death situations imaginable...

... out of ammo, exhausted, starving, hurt, carrying heavy packs... and forced to END a threat in a matter of seconds... using nothing more than their bare hands.

In fact, it’s so brutal and violent in nature...

That it’ll probably
blow your mind.

So it’s NOT for everyone. A lot of guys freak out when they see this. No kidding.

I’m talking about horrifying moves that can instantly rip open flesh, dismember eyeballs, snap bones like brittle twigs, and leave your opponent in an unconscious bloody heap...

... or terrified and running for his life like a wounded animal.

This is for real. Everything you'll learn in this Street Brawler’s Kit...

Will almost certainly land
your opponent in the hospital.

Maybe worse.

It’s that bad... and I hope you never need this.

But it’s also perfect for civilians who want serious options in case you’re ever...

... suddenly confronted by some raging meth-crazed convict who’s been busy pumping iron in prison for the last 7 years ...

... or set-upon by gang-bangers determined to stomp your head into bloody pumpkin-mush over some stupid initiation rights...

... or up against any number of sick jerks now walking your neighborhood who, given the chance, would delight in hurting and humiliating you and your family just for some cheap thrills.

Because confronted with situations like this...

You'd better know how to get
real nasty... real fast.

And that's exactly what this "Street Brawlers Kit" is all about. Savage, vicious, and ruthless skills that are:

  • Fast and easy to learn, because the moves are so basic, and there's no need for practice, no need for formal training, and no need for high-end conditioning.
  • Work no matter what shape you're in — against multiple attackers, armed attackers, and highly-skilled gangs who have ambushed you in the dark.
  • Simple. You don't need previous training, don't need to be big or strong, and you don't even need to have any prior fighting experience under your belt.

And the guys who'll teach you this aren't exactly choir boys either.

You see, I wanted to make sure everything was PROVEN in actual combat, so I included the filthiest fighters in the world as your instructors, including:

  • A respected Vietnam vet and counter insurgency specialist for African, South American and Central American governments who for years has also been training federal and state law enforcement agencies in "street survival fighting tactics"...
  • A U.S. Marine, (who completed THREE gory tours in Iraq), with combat efficiency in GoJu Rye, ancient Greek wrestling, kickboxing, Russian Sambo, shootfighting, Israeli Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, Kempo, Leung Ting WingTsjun, and secret Filipino martial arts...
  • A decorated U.S. DELTA Force spec op soldier who served ten long, bloody years as surgical explosives expert, and Team Sergeant on an Assault Team... and who earned a Bronze Star (with a "V" for valor) in bloody Somalia combat...
  • One of the U.S. Government's top "Classified" counter-terrorism specialists, who worked with Army Spec Op, Navy Special Warfare, Air Force Spec Op, FBI, DEA, DELTA, and served as a front-line Team Leader for Spec Op units during Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, and the current Operation Enduring Freedom...
  • A much feared (and now reformed) ex-prison inmate who discovered and mastered, (and USED in desperately barbaric tight-quarters battles), the most brutal "prison-fighting" system known to man...
  • A hall-of-fame 5-time World Kickboxing Champion and CDT Tactical Master Instructor (for individual SWAT Cops, Navy SEALS, and Correctional officers), who trained with the Secret Service, worked Middle Eastern "executive protection".

I'm forbidden to go much deeper than that (mainly because much of this has to do with highly classified government secrets and covert overseas "excursions")...

... but I can tell you that it'd be impossible to find a more qualified group people to teach this instruction, anywhere for any price. These guys are simply the best of the best -- with the kind of grisly real-world combat credentials...

That'd make Jason Bourne
look like a silly amateur.

Here's just a small taste of what you’ll discover:

  • The simplest "quick take out" moves ever devised for street fighting. Bones will break and tears will be shed... this isn't "sport fighting" nonsense, but the REAL stuff you'll be glad to possess when you're up against the wall.
  • The proper way to deliver a devastating strike that allows a small man to deliver paralyzing nerve shots... or instantly pulverize a jaw bone... or snap a collar bone like a dried pretzel.
  • A Slap-Grab combo shot (requires almost NO strength) that will slam anyone -- no matter what his size -- straight to the ground. It's violent, ugly, and oh-so easy to do. Ultimate humiliation that he WON'T recover from.
  • How to obliterate multiple attackers — fast, and almost TOO easily (it's over so quick, you don't get to ENJOY the fight!).
  • The only "lights out" techniques you'll need. If you're ever in a position where you HAVE to drop him — permanently — and don't want to screw around with a long menu of moves... these will END it in a blink.
  • The immediate and devastating comeback to a front shove -- the most common start of nearly all street fights. He'll be on the ground in a world of pain in less than 2 seconds.
  • Why anyone foolish enough to finger jab your chest will pay dearly. You'll discover a simple 2-step knock-out shot that'll send him reeling to the ground. Simple, easy to apply and wickedly effective. (Poor fool won't know what hit him)...

PLUS — there's tons of "Dirty Tricks"... the same sneaky moves used by professional soldiers and cops...

Who can't afford to waste time
fighting by the old "rules of
the street".

You'll discover:

  • The most powerful punch you will ever be able to deliver! I don't care how small or weak you are — you will rattle his skeleton and disrupt his brain waves. It even SOUNDS different — a distinct "crack" instead of the standard "thud" of boxers.
  • How to quickly force any violent attacker (even someone twice your size) into complete and utter submission... and have him begging for mercy.
  • How to easily pull off “instant takedown” arm wrenches, (very advanced stuff), that uses nothing more than simple gravity to smack him face down into a table, a wooden chair, asphalt... whatever you choose.
  • Why the reality of mega-violent street fighting is completely different than anything you ever imagined or saw on television... and how to use your knowledge of what really happens in a fight to “cheat” in ways your opponent can never guess.

And a lot more.

There's also a VERY cool "booby trap" section called "Early Warning Systems". It's about building security devices (in seconds) with junk laying around your house. Like:

  • "Tension-release" low-tech security devices you can rig up using clothes pins, fishing line, wire, thumb tacks and 9 volt battery. Doesn't matter if you're protecting your home, or your outdoor campsite — no one gets through without alerting you instantly!
  • Rig drawers in your home or hotel room with simple alarms... and how to camouflage your work so even "black op" agents cannot detect it! (Very cool way to foil even world-class burglars.)
  • Easy but super-effective "trip" alarms using empty soda pop cans... wire... little 9 volt batteries... even plastic water jugs.

And a ton more.

Like using parts from a $6 flashlight to make pressure-sensitive switches that are triggered by anyone walking in the area, and special "mousetrap" homemade devices to cover huge areas (like the outer perimeter of your home or campsite).

This genius-level info lets you go into any country with nothing, stop by a local liquor store... and suddenly arm yourself with the most advanced (yet homemade) security devices available!

Amazing stuff that works like magic. Fools EVERYBODY, and yet can be...

Set up in minutes
using material you can find
anywhere in the world.

PLUS... you'll learn some critical tips to gaining the tactical advantages with a handgun.

Because tragically, almost everyone alive today learns their so-called “fighting skills” from what they see on TV and in the movies.

I say “tragically” because everything you see on TV and film is absolutely the opposite of what you should do in a real-life armed confrontation.

Trust me...

These Hollywood Hotshots
Wouldn’t Survive The First 2
In A Real Gunfight.

So I've included some intensive "gun and knife" instruction that includes:

  • The right way to move when confronting someone if you’ve got a gun in your hand. Most people do it all wrong, and they’ll get killed because of it.
  • What SWAT cops and combat soldiers know about "Reactionary Gap" and how this is the key to gain the maximum advantage over anyone who’s threatening you with a knife or gun so you can take immediate control over the situation.
  • A simple trick to determine if an armed opponent knows how to handle their weapon (and how this can mean a HUGE advantage for you).

And much, much more.

This entire "Street Brawler's Kit" is well over THREE full hours of solid instruction that will place YOU ontop in the most hairy situations you’ll ever find yourself in.

I can't possibly cover all the things you'll learn inside this single letter (I'd need another 50 pages just to scratch the surface)...

… just know that these techniques are way too viscous to use on some idiot who flips you off in traffic... or against your obnoxious brother in law.

But when your safety's in serious jeopardy and it’s time to get nasty... real nasty... you’ll be damn glad you know this stuff. It's critical info to know if you (and your family) want to live...

Without fear
in today’s mean streets.

Only a handful of top-tier fighters and U.S. Special Forces military people have ever seen these dangerous "short-cut" secrets...

... and they'll give you an “unfair” advantage over even the most elite street fighters in the world.

Here’s how to add this to your package now:

First, just click on the "upgrade" button below right now.

Yes! I want to UPGRADE
to the Advanced "Street
Brawler's Kit" now!

The regular price for this "Street Brawler's Kit" is $349 -- which is an incredible deal in itself considering how fast this will rocket your skills.

But as a new hotlist member, you won't pay anything like that.

Because, like I said, I've placed $220 into your "hotlist" account to be used toward the price of this package...

... which means you’ll get this Street Brawler’s Kit... for just $129!

And there is NOTHING to worry about, since your purchase price is completely covered by my generous...

100% money-back guarantee.

If you aren't happy with this for ANY reason you can just return it for a full refund. No questions, no hassles whatsoever.

This allows you to...

See Everything For FREE
If You Choose.

Nobody else in the entire industry is willing to back up their products like this.

I'm placing all the risk on MY shoulders -- 100% confident that you will never allow this priceless life-changing information out of your hands.

I trust your judgment completely.

PLUS... there is NO additional shipping charge.

Everything will arrive together in one neat package.

But wait... there's something MORE.

Add this "Street Brawlers" upgrade to your package right now and...

You'll also receive
2 DVD bonus gifts.

These will knock your socks off, and open your eyes fast to the real world of street fighting. Here's what else you'll get when you order right now:

- Brawler Bonus #1: "Improvised Weapons":

You have NEVER seen improvised weapons like this before. This was developed in prison... so it ain't using keys, or snapped-off car atteneas, or cell phones... or anything you might already know about. Nope, in the joint, these "normal" improvised weapons just do not exist.

So you'll discover how to make weapons from almost NOTHING. Deadly stuff, too, that will give you an instant edge no matter where you end up, or what you have to fight against.

This DVD package is worth $69 all on its own, but today, when you upgrade, I'll include it for free.

- Brawler Bonus #2: "Interview With A Combat Warrior":

You'll get THREE candid DVD interviews with a counter-terrorism specialists, who knows life and death combat, because fought and lived through it... serving as a front-line Team Leader for Spec Op units during Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, and the current Operation Enduring Freedom.

These interviews will make your blood run cold, and they include:

  1. Perceptions Of Realities - which will make perfectly clear to you the difference between Dojo martial arts, Hollywood martial arts and real world combat.
  2. Seven Keys To Owning a Handgun - a mega instructive insight on what it takes to own and use a handgun properly…
  3. Keys for Home Security - which will take you step-by-step through properly protecting yourself and your loved ones right inside your own castle.

I'd normally sell this insider information (that you can't find anywhere else), for $49... but right now I've also included at no-cost.

Okay... added all together...

These FREE bonuses
Are Worth $118.

But they're all yours to keep, too, no matter what -- a gift, just for checking this stuff out -- even if you decide to take full advantage of my generous guarantee.

But you should ACT on this right away. I'm placing strict limits on the number of "DVD Bonus Gifts" I'll give away.

If you close this special hidden webpage you'll lose the 2 DVD bonuses AND the $220 I've put toward your "Street Brawler's" upgrade…

And there's no way to
get it back.

It's all available to you now. There's no risk, and there's $118 of valuable FREE bonus material -- yours to keep just for trusting me on this.

So if you think you can handle it, then upgrade to the "Street Brawlers" level now.

But close this page... and it's all gone… FOREVER.

The ONLY reason I’m making this insanely generous offer to you is that you’ve worked your way through a very specific series of “hidden webpages”…

… PROVING yourself determined to learn the simple methods to fight and win.

You’re getting some of the most nasty, brutal, and devastatingly-effective fight instruction on the planet…

… taught to you by men who’ve USED it all in actual life-and-death combat, (and who you couldn’t gather together in same room for ANY price)...

… for a killer low price… and with $118 of free bonus material..

… with ZERO risk to you.

I can’t get any more generous than that. My business partners are already squirming over this, so jump on this while you can.

But click off this page and there will be no way to get back here.

For a safer life...

Bob Pierce

P.S. Okay... there's a LOT of stuff. So let's do a quick recap of what's all included in the package you'll receive when you upgrade to the "Street Brawler's Kit" right now.

  1. "Street Brawler's Kit" DVD package. Over 3 hours of ferocious fighting techniques and dirty tricks designed specifically to dominate and BEAT the most experienced street fighters... armed attackers... even MULTIPLE attackers...
  2. $220 stuffed into your "hotlist account, to be used toward the price of this package. It means while everyone else is paying $349, you'll pay just $129...
  3. A 100% money back guarantee. If you don't like it, you don't have to keep it. This allows you to see this amazing instruction for FREE if you choose...
  4. $187 of FREE Bonuses. Yours to keep even if you take advantage of my generous guarantee, including:
    1. "Improvised Weapons" DVD package…
    2. The blood curdling "Interview With A Combat Warrior"...
  5. NO additional shipping or handling.

But if you close this window, you'll miss out on all this and lose the $220 and your $187 of bonus material and have to pay $349 just like everyone else.

Don't let that happen.

You've gotta admit, this is a generous deal.

So go ahead and upgrade -- RISK FREE -- while this money and bonus materials are all still available to you.